Friday, December 6, 2013

Massage Therapy

Waking up in the morning is difficult for any college student. After those late nights out with friends or late nights in the library studying, waking up for class is a painful process. But it’s even more painful with aches and pains. Doom week is fast approaching, that time of year when my teeth are clenched tight, my back is tense, and my neck is sore.

The sacrifices we make and the stress we put on our bodies are tremendous during finals week. But are we thinking about the consequences of such stress? Experts estimate that 80 percent to 90 percent of disease is stress-related. Message therapy is here to combat this frightening statistic and help us remember what it means to relax.

Among the top of the list of unknown services at our Universities Rec Center is Message Therapy and what it has to offer. Registered message therapists offer a variety of services including therapeutic, sport, relaxation, and deep tissue message. Tim Gutierrez, a beloved message therapist at the University is actually legally blind but his “disability” only serves to heighten his sense of touch and message technique. He’s refined his craft in some of San Antonio’s finest spas and his motto sums up what you can expect from a visit with Tim; “experience the heightened awareness of one who truly relies on his sense of touch…”. Michelle Martinez, the other message therapist at the Rec Center specializes and has helped others with back pain, chronic headaches, neck pain and many more using muscle manipulations. This makes for the perfect stress relief team!

Although most services at the UTSA Rec Center are free for students, message therapy does charge but the prices are completely reasonable. A 30-minute message would cost $25 and 22.50 at Finals Rate. A 90-minute message would only cost $60 and $48 at Finals Rate. These prices are amazing compared to message expenses at a spa; 90 minutes would usually cost $80 to $90. Prices for massages at the Rec Center are unbeatable and absolutely worthwhile. Here’s why, having a massage does more than just relax your body and mind. There are actually specific physiological and psychological changes that occur and even more so when message is utilized as a preventative, frequent therapy. Message not only feels good but it can cure what ails you. On top of all the stress college students are facing, aches and pains should be the least of our worries.

This finals week, try taking a break to allow a brief moment of relaxation and rest and use the benefits UTSA’s Rec Center has to offer. As you lie on the table under crisp, fresh sheets while hushed music draws you into the moment and the smell of sage fills the air, feel the pains of age, the throbbing of your overstressed muscles and the need to be touched wash your worries away and heal your mind and body. Utilizing message therapy at the Rec Center can be an extremely helpful tool to get students through the stress of college.


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