Friday, December 6, 2013

Wait....I can get WHAT for FREE?!

Yes sir/ma’am it’s that time of the year again. That chilling time of the year when our heads are stuck in books and notes, dinners consist of anything microwavable or pop-topped, blood-shot eyes have become a fashion statement, and sleeping in the library no longer carries shame. But fret not my friends/fellow students! For when the storm clouds clear and the hurricane that is finals finally passes, we will see a day where the sun shines through and world is beckoning for us to join it in a synchronized breath of well-deserved fresh air! And you know what? I have just the place for you. The great outdoors! Our world is the biggest playground we could ever ask for and I can give you some information to make your outdoor ventures possible.

What if I told you that any gear or information necessary to get outdoors is available for you to use 100% free of charge? One of the many tools at your disposal that Campus Recreation (the rec) has to offer is the Outdoor Resource center (ORC) located at the South entrance of the rec. The ORC is a place where students can obtain information on local parks or nature areas, ask about any kind of outdoor activity they are interested in trying, or check out outdoor equipment. It is one of the only programs in the country that offers this service to its students free of charge, and most people on campus don’t know it’s even there!

The ORC offers a wide variety of camping equipment available for you to check out including camp stoves, canoes, mountain bikes, sleeping bags, tents, and much more. Checking things out is simple. All you have to do is walk into the office, sign some paperwork, and you’re ready to begin checking out equipment. You can check out equipment for FREE for up to a week. If you need it for longer than a week a small, one time extended usage fee is charged and you can keep it for an extra week! A full catalogue of items available to you can be found by following this link to their website:

Not only does the ORC offer equipment checkout, but a major part of the Outdoor Pursuits (OP) program is the trips program. OP hosts an average of 15 adventure trips a semester all over the state and even as far as Colorado. Worried that you don’t have enough outdoor skill to join in on the fun? OP’s trips program offers trips for people of all skill ranges. Adventure trips range from easy-paced day hikes to adrenaline pumping white water kayaking and rock climbing. Worried about not having the proper equipment? OP provides all of the necessary equipment, transportation, and coaching you’ll need to make your trip successful and memorable. The OP staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and ready to help you make your outdoor dreams adventures the best they can be. To see the current trip schedule visit the link above. The new schedule for the Spring semester should be up soon.

As college students we all know how thin we have to spread our money. Because of our crazy small budgets sometimes it’s hard to get out and do things that would otherwise seem out of the ordinary, but with the help of the ORC and OP you can get outside and see what the world has to offer without spending money to do so. Taking advantage of this FREE service is crucial to any tuition-paying student at UTSA. As an employee of OP I cannot tell you how many times juniors and seniors come into the office and wish they had heard of the program sooner. Don’t be one of those people! Let OP help you find your adventurous side and feed your curiosity. Visit the ORC today!


P.S. That's me! Bottom left!

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